Oh Taiba - يا طيبة

Discover Islam

Saturday, June 7, 2008


In the name of allah, the beneficent , the merciful
peace be up on you

Each person is born in a religious environment that is not of his/her own
choice. From the very beginning of human existence in this world, they
are assigned the religion of their family or the ideology of the state. By the
time individuals reach their teens they usually accept the beliefs of their
parents or that of their particular society.
However, when some people mature and are exposed to other beliefs
and ideologies, they begin to question the validity of their own beliefs.
Seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion upon realizing that
believers of every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy all claim to have
the one and only correct religion or ideology. There are only three
possibilities. They are either all correct; all wrong or only one is correct and
the rest are wrong. They cannot all be right since all religions are different
from each other in their fundamentals. Furthermore, the majority claim that
they alone are correct and the rest are wrong. On the other hand, to claim

that they are all wrong is to deny that God revealed His will to humankind.
This proposition is absurd to those who believe in a Wise Creator. So, which
religion is the right one and how can the seeker of truth know it? This is the
subject of the booklet in your hands.
In beginning one’s search for which religion is true, one should keep
four things in mind: First, God gave us the ability and intellect to make the
crucial decision: WHAT IS THE TRUE RELIGION? Second, God, the
Most Compassionate, did not leave us to go astray without any guidance.
Indeed, He sent us prophets with scriptures to show us the right path. Third,
seeking the true religion should be the most important thing in one’s life
because the everlasting life to come depends on it.1 Fourth, one can
determine the true path and make a rational and correct decision only if
emotions and prejudices, which often blind one to reality, are put aside.
1 The Bible, in its present form, confirms that seeking the truth is the main cause for
salvation. It states in John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free.” Muslims believe that the existing form of the Bible contains facts of theoriginal truth though it has been significantly altered


Steve said...


Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Peace be with you my sister. God bless.

mohammed alsha3r said...

very nice blog and good song

i love ya taeba song

mohamed alsha3r

surjit singh said...

A wonderful post.The paths are many but the destination is one.
God bless.

Call for coexistence said...

my dear
thank you for your nice comment

Call for coexistence said...

my dear
Mel Avila Alarilla
thank you for your comment here and in your blog
i am very happy to have a frinde like you

Call for coexistence said...

my dear
mohammed alsha3r
i am very happy to see your comment in my blog
and me to love ya taipa

Call for coexistence said...

my dear
i am agree with you
and i am vryr happy to see your comment here
i hope you visit my blog again

Unknown said...

جزاكم الله كل خير عن الاسلام والمسلمين
بس هو حضرتك ممكن تتكلمي عن الاعجاز العلمي والشرائع العظيمة والاخلاق الحميدة التي يحملها الاسلام
الكلام الروحاني لن يجدي معهم شيء لان غالبهم ماديين يؤمنون بالمادة لاقصي درجة ,ممكن الكلام يكون به بعض الروحانيات ولكن لاتكون هي الاساس
ولنا في جعفر بن ابي طالب خير المثل وهو يعرض الاسلام علي النجاشي في الحبشه
وجزاكم الله خير كثيرا
واحسن الله اليكم

Call for coexistence said...

اخى الفاضل
الفاتح الجعفرى
وجزاكم بافضل منه يا سيدى
ولكنى كنت فى البدايه اكتب رد على الاسئله التى يسئلونها
ونصحنى احد اساتذتى ان ابتعد بداية عن الاعجاز وقالانهم لن يقتنعوا به
زلكن اعد ان شاء الله ان اعيد النظر فى خطه المدونه

صلطح said...

السلام عليكم
الصراحة انا كنت محتار اكتب التعليق بالعربى ولا بالانجليزى بس الحمد لله قررت انه يكون بالعربى لغه القران

وفعلا جزاكى الله خيرا على فكرة نشر الاسلام فى بلاد الغرب عن طريق التدوين

ونأسف لللازعاج فى الزيارة الاولى للمدونة

وصلطح صلطح ياعم الحاج

Marja said...

Beautiful words. I was born a Christian. To be honest I don't know a lot about Islam. I believe however strongly that the core of all religions is love. If you are good to others than you are on the right track.
Thanks for visiting my blog

Call for coexistence said...

اخى الفاضل صلطح
اولا جزاك الله خيرا على زيارة حضرتك لهذه المدونه المتواضعه وارجوا ان تكرر
يا فندم اكتب التعليق باى لغه المهم انه يتكتب
جزانا واياكم يا فندمونسأل الله العظيم ان يرزقنا الصدق والاخلاص
ولا ازعاج ولا حاجه
يا ريت تبقلا تزعجنا كتيير
السلام عليكم

صلطح said...

وسع يا جدع استقاله حماااااااار حاليا على مدونة صلطح
ادخل وسيبلنا تعليقكم

وصلطح صلطح ياعم الحاج

Call for coexistence said...

happy to see your comment here
i hope to be my friend
could you give me your mail??

مشتاق لله said...

السيدة الفاضلة صاحبة التعليق الاخير في مدونتي هذه العبارة مزاح بيني وبين اخي وحبيبي الاستاذ مصطفي صاحب مدونة بصمة وجدان والاخوان علي راسي من فوق ياسيدتي

Call for coexistence said...

مشتاق لله
جزاكم الله خيرا وضحت الرؤيه

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